Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Exam over...

Exam's over already... doesnt feel like that to me...
everyday, mom wants me to study, expecially chinese... GOSH !
Chinese is so hard.. need to memories those 'idioms' and such...

Chem got 68 marks.. SO WHAT? I just barely pass.. At least must 80 marks!
Bio... no hope liao...
Physics... 2 Questions didnt do, which is 20 marks gone...
Walao eh...

Donno what to blog anymore...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
I just feel sad everyday... for some reason...
All because of 'her'... she says im annoying her still... which makes things worst...
Life is full of misery...
All i can do is Pray...


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