Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Essay Writing

"Well done, team," said our coach. " Now we are in shipshape for the Winter Basketball Tournament. With our star player, Christopher, in top form, the National Champianship will be ours!" " Dismiss!". Then we took our belongings and went home, waiting for the day of the tournament which would be held that weekend.

I am Christopher. Everyone calls me Chris. I am a third-year high school student this year, therefore thi is the last year for me to participate in the Winter Basketball Tournament. I am a skillful three-point-shooter and I had been training for hours during that last week.

Three days before the match began, disaster struck. I was praticing my three-point-shooting as usual. The majestic sun shone on brightly and scorched my skin, it felt as if I was on fire! When I thought I was giving out my last shot, everthing went blank. I heard a loud thud and nothing more.

I passed out.

I opened my eyes and looked around."Where am I?". However, I was too tired to get up so I remained lying in the bed and closed my eyes.

After a while, I woke up. I realised im in a dark room. It was very quiet and I have a bad feeling as if something bad is going to happen. I sat up straight and reached for the switch to open the lights. Then I heard footsteps approaching. The lights was turned on. Then I saw my father entering the room. "Haha... I was just imagining things" I murmured. "Son! How are you feeling? We were so worried! You should thank Lynn for saving you. She saw you lying motionless at the open basketball court." I nodded as a sign of agreement.

Then something caught my eyes. Ilooked at the digital clock hung at the side of my bed. It wrote

" 17/12/2009"

My dad saw my expressions and answered my unasked question." I'm afraid today is the day of the basketball game. The basketball team lost by 67 - 70."

My heart sank. If only I had been there, my team could have won the game. Part of it was because it was my last year to play but most of it was because I should have taken better care so that I would not have fallen ill.

During that remaining three days in hospital, no one visited me. I was so alone. And the same words keep repeating in my mind - lost, weak, ignorant, useless. Man! I was so pesimistic!

On Monday evening, I was discharge. On the next morning, I went straight to the school's indoor basketball court and apologised to the coach and teammates. Suprisingly, the coach replied :" It's not just you, Hafiz and Jason was sick too!" At that very moment, both of them walk in. We all laughed! The Three of us have contrated a viral fever!


  1. Good English, I was really amazed by your English O_O. Would like to see your three point shots in the future.
