Saturday, February 19, 2011

I'm emotional?

Dear Blog,

I'm emotional? That's right, I'm emotional. It might not have crossed you mind but, I AM emotional. I cry like.. very easily, i laugh like crazy - but i think most of you see that from me, i one thing i cant control is LAUGH - I could go sad and everything when bad.

One more thing. I tend to do everything at best when I'm down, and i donno why. I could go stronger in an instant, i cant run faster than i could before, i can solve question i haven't studied before, i can create chaos bigger than any of you could imagine. Well thats me, i although sometimes it did helped me, but no everytime. I tend to go weak after all that and sleep for lie .. 10 hours? LOL

Well, I am emotional, as i had said before, well thats how i express my feelings. I write poems when im in anger, sad, happy - usually i dont when i'm happy, i just sing and didnt get the chance to write it down, haha - lonely, selfless... yeah about that, i sing and write poems and sing when i'm emotional..

one more thing.. i guesssss.... GUESS-ed that it may be my hormone changes that causes it and er.. recently, i think, i fell for a girl i thought i would not fell for.. I could not stop thinking about her and always ended up singing 'Just the way you are' Again and again, and again.

Well thats all for now.. I'm going to sleep..

Ah ONE MORE THING. If you're a girl and you think your boobs are small, DO NOT DO A BOOB JOB BECAUSE IT IS NOT GOOD, VERY DANGEROUS YET EXPENSIVE.
I saw a video about a defective boob job and the girl ended up dead. I wish my words could alert you all and not the VIDEO, but if you wanna watch the video, then too bad haha cause i wont share it here haahah

Okay really have to go bye xD


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