Thursday, October 14, 2010

Stuffs happened and such..

Woohoo! PMR finished! yeah! weeeee...???

I'm form 4 this year.. PMR finished or not have nothing to do with me -.-

Okay, get to the point!
I got my piano exam result, it just came out on the 24th September 2010
and I....
Barely passed though, a 102 marks over 150.
All part passed but Scales and Oral tests.
Scales -> 11/18 <12>
Oral test -> 13/21 <14>


and on 4th October this year.. Yippee! My Birthday, Ma Very Own Burfday! xD
Got splashed by water.. and ....... Gangbang -.-
Water is fine but Gangbang... i think its a bit too much, sumore take video.. -.-'''

Okay... um... one more thing..

ARGH !!!
Exam coming!! all so hard.. Add math.. Chemistry, Physics, Sejarah, Biology... all except.. Modern Math! xD its quite easy.. but donno what question my school's gonna give..
gerli nia~

So.. Thats all about it, haha

May God Bless Me :D

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