Tuesday, June 15, 2010

CF camp 2010

Phew! It was fun.. WAY fun man! too bad for those who did not join..
but it doesnt mean that you can't join it next year, so.. Woohoo!
Thanks to Pastor Victor and Pastor Wilson which help a lot in the camp
Thanks to the committees, and those who have help in the camp and
Special thanks to to the campers. LOL

I'm in High-5 group this year
Apartment 2 and
Happy 5

High-5 got the Best team (lots of sweet and LOLIPOPS !! yiipee!)
Apartment 2's got the Best dorm award (which is bookmark.. LOL)
Happy 5's got Best Drama (Happy mart + High-5 = Happy-5, that how we got the name)
Anyway.. Although we were exausted but it was really, REALLY fun.. WOOHOOO !!!
Check out the pics i've got !! woohoo!

1st of all.. -> The Wave.. haha

Meeting.. 1st night

2nd day morning prayer meeting..

There goes Way Yang sleeping..
He cant wake up for morning devotion ==

acting cool huh!? so not man!
Played water games.. haha~
And 3rd day morning...
there goes the....
High-5 !!! the BEST man! LOL Praise the Lord!
It's a High-5 bread and a TV show,
to not get fat you have to know,
1234, high-5! ; 1234, high-5!
haha.. look at Jeremy.. LOL
The End..
Cool right?
Then join this next year! LOL

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