Sunday, November 6, 2011

What is wrong with HER?

I do not hate her but I really dislike her and that is really embarrassing. I am ashamed not only of her but how I felt about her.

She is a victim, always played the victim and she is really good at it.

She's an emotional vampire.

She takes advantage of people and then has the audacity to complain it's not enough.

You never know what to expect from her.

One day she's so sweet you gag on the sugar she's exuding.

The next day you're choking on the bitterness she radiates.

She might not make contact with me for a few weeks.

She might call me everyday, several times per day.

She never really has anything of substance to share.

She's not a very brilliant woman.

She's passive-aggressive and it's frustrating beyond belief.

She's the queen of emotional terrorism.

She loves to twist your words and turn them against you.

She loves to call your sibling and 'report' you for your offenses against her.

She is well beyond irresponsible.

She annoys me beyond words. she nauseates me.

She's my mother ...