Monday, September 26, 2011


I think im sufering from depression since last week till now.. i cant eat cant sleep cant think right cant do anything properly.. Hiahhhhhhhhhhhh Life suck. i hate this man. i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate you!! Yeah you! YOU! whatever. i dont wanna know dont wanna care. i hate you. You broke my heart, and now you smash it into pieces. when are you gonna burn it to ashes huh? THIS PAIN IS UNBEARABLE. =( I cant cry. i wanna cry out but.. i couldn't.. ever since i when through that stupid pain bearer quest. I couldnt cry anymore. i just cant..... cant.. =(( D; ='(

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Lately, I discovered tobasco is a really spicoius sauce. It tastes so good that I even tried drinking it. In fact, I drank it almost everyday since idk when. It's so delicousssss but.. There's a let down, it had side effects. Wait, it's suppose to be it's EFFECT.. Which is .. Spicyyyy! Ahhhhhhhhh! The best part ( or you could say the worst) is that it does not only burn in your mouth or throat, but your nostrils and eyes too! Causing me to cryyyyy. LOL anyway... Today is the day before the last day of trails and FYI, it's my friends birthdayyy!!! Mr. Lye Chuen Shennnn's!!! Happy birthday yeahhhhhh!! XD

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Aghhhh exam. I hate exam!!!! Arghhh the worst thing is that I can't study at all when im under a huge pressure. Hiahhhhhhh.. Stilll sick. Damn the haze. Adding coughing to my sick list --

Saturday, September 3, 2011

sick --

Damn... Sick sick sick. I hate being sick D: arghhhhhh slight fever headache, stomachache and the worst is.. I unable to control my emotions any longer.. Arh.. Dang.. Wednesday I only go school dy.. Hehe..