Wednesday, November 14, 2012

To be a better friend

Sometimes I could not help
But to act like a fool
And making idiotic mistakes
Which lead to broken hearted you

Sometimes I really wonder
If I could ever be true
To be a better friend
Being with you through 

Rainy showers, teary eyes
Like sadness pinned, dreadful sigh
Wonder if your acceptance is high
For me to take the leap and fly

Monday, October 1, 2012

Girl that I want

All those night I have wasted
All those time I have waited
Never I have been so troubled
Nor have been so agitated

Night after night I sigh
Tears flowing as I cry
A little bit of me die
The world around became dry

But all this will not matter
Cause what comes I will take
And for you a smile I will fake
Even sacrifices I will make
Cause you're the girl that I want.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hard work Vs Talent

When people say that the person actually have a talent in something, I always thought differently. I don't believe in talent, I believe talent is something that came out from hard work and interest of on one on that particular subject. When a person is interested in something, and made a hard work of it, they will be good in that field of work. You don't agree? Let me see if I can convince you in the next paragraph.

If you have a talent can bring you to your dreams, wouldn't you be craving for that talent a lot? For an instance, a person that likes singing couldn't sing, but after a lot of hard work, the person still can sing right? Even a tone death person can sing fairly well after a long term practice. I'd say talent comes from hard work and interest. How can a person be talented in a thing he had never done before? Maybe it's true some pick things up way faster than another, but does that necessarily mean that the person is talented? It could have been he has done something similar before right?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

I can't sleep

"What is going on?" the question kept repeating inside my head.

I am unable to sleep these days. I do not know why. I felt hungry during the night too. It was like having insomnia. I just want to jump and run around. Something inside me is bubbling up Iand I can't stop it. It is not that I don't want to sleep. Is that I could not sleep. The worst case of jet lag. Why? This is terrible. I going to have breakfast with my parents tomorrow morning. I felt tired, but could not sleep.
Dang. Why? I lead a normal life, I went shopping, hiking, visiting and a lot of stuffs since I came back. Hiahh. That's for now. Hope it is going to be better soon.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


What is a Relationship?
In this case I am talking about the relationship between a boy and a girl, or a relationship between a man and a woman.

According to the bible, when God created man and woman in Genesis, it sats he created them, 'in his image' and 'male and female he created them'. So there was an equality where both have dignity since they both are created in God's image. They both can know and love their creator, themselves, and others in a way unique only to mankind.

In my opinion, a relationship between man and woman is somewhat complicating. And when some goes further in, some just stayed as friends, others remained acquaintance or even forgotten. What I am now writing about is between those who goes deep and pursuing their way to marriage. This kind of relationship is also known as the courtship. It is a commitment between the two, finding more things between themselves, discover new things together and becoming one.

Courtship is a kind of path where 'couples' have to go through. Unsuccessful ones will lead to severe heart breaks,

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Still sick with nose blocked, ear clogged, diagnose with flu. And tmrw the day after tomorrow I'll be facin the C3 exam. May God Bless Me!

I'm hopeless now. Sigh.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Gahh I'm sick again. Hooray :D. Haven't been sick for a while. It's good to be sick again. But I regret welcoming it anyway. Lol. Now I'm not feeling well.

Past few months passed in a blink
Of an eye. Summer holidays is around the corner, wee hweee!! I'm gonna learn car dy. and NOT GONNA DAIL FOR THE THIRD TIME. I guess I won't.but who knows?

Since coming to Cambridge, I made lots of good friends. Although most are my buddies are girls but, it's okay, better than none. In any case i am
Still single, so I am still free to love anyone, sort of :P

I made a really good friend here. Her name is joophin. She's a really kind person (well not really, sometimes really evil, but not intended ones tho) shes a really cute girl, I mean not that she's pretty so she's cute, but shes cute because she is cute, know what I mean? LOL

Well in any case, she accompanies me to do lots of stuffs and helped me a lot in my studies. I'm grateful having her.

Since mixing with her, I changed a lot. And one more thing, they say when a guy mix with a girl, the guy will behave more manly. But in my case, I think I'm getting gay-er every time I hang out more with her! Lol

Well that's for now. Hope I'll be recovering soon. Later I'm going to have a game of bowling with Andrew. Owhhhhhh. I really like Andrew. He's a really nice guy. Lol

I'm fine and doing well in Cambridge. Please do not worry. Be back on the 2nd of July.

Loves xoxo

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Today joophin lied to me. She say she want to write her blog and she didn't. The end.