Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Tough Decision

Stood still starring through the window pane,
Thought of what is it to be gained;
But now i felt a greater pain,
A pain that words could not explain.

Water dripping from a leaked pipe,
Now it goes to a greater height;
I could not let go no matter how I tried,
All I did was a sorrowful sigh.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Be With Her Forever

On that gloomy day he was here
But now he is not where he were
At the corridor he walked, up and down
He sighed and tears gathered at the corner of his eyes

His dream to be together
To be together with her forever
But he had lost his courages self
Which once known to be the likes of tiger

He tried and tried, and tried again
His hope - to make her my bride
Holding a pen on a table he writes
Will his poetic skill give him this littlel flight?

He hope to be strong and hope for a change
Hoped to be as courages as once he had gained
But dreaming won't give him anything
Nor to change anything he'd done before

And now I had read this poem,
I set my hands to write and add more
Until I realized that we are actually them
I gave a sigh and wrote some more

Although it wasn't more than I year I'd known love
I could feel your warmth like my hands in winter gloves
I hold my breath and set off the dove of my heart
and stayed on waiting for you, my one true love

The truth was, writing poems weren't getting me anywhere
It was just an art and proves almost nothing
Nothing I said, nothing at all, nothing to you and me
But I tried and tried, and now sending this letter to you

Although I'd known for long that you were too good for me
But now the courages me can wait no longer
A big leap is all I need and now I have yet taken it
If you were to reject please don't look at me as if I'm a loser

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I'm emotional?

Dear Blog,

I'm emotional? That's right, I'm emotional. It might not have crossed you mind but, I AM emotional. I cry like.. very easily, i laugh like crazy - but i think most of you see that from me, i one thing i cant control is LAUGH - I could go sad and everything when bad.

One more thing. I tend to do everything at best when I'm down, and i donno why. I could go stronger in an instant, i cant run faster than i could before, i can solve question i haven't studied before, i can create chaos bigger than any of you could imagine. Well thats me, i although sometimes it did helped me, but no everytime. I tend to go weak after all that and sleep for lie .. 10 hours? LOL

Well, I am emotional, as i had said before, well thats how i express my feelings. I write poems when im in anger, sad, happy - usually i dont when i'm happy, i just sing and didnt get the chance to write it down, haha - lonely, selfless... yeah about that, i sing and write poems and sing when i'm emotional..

one more thing.. i guesssss.... GUESS-ed that it may be my hormone changes that causes it and er.. recently, i think, i fell for a girl i thought i would not fell for.. I could not stop thinking about her and always ended up singing 'Just the way you are' Again and again, and again.

Well thats all for now.. I'm going to sleep..

Ah ONE MORE THING. If you're a girl and you think your boobs are small, DO NOT DO A BOOB JOB BECAUSE IT IS NOT GOOD, VERY DANGEROUS YET EXPENSIVE.
I saw a video about a defective boob job and the girl ended up dead. I wish my words could alert you all and not the VIDEO, but if you wanna watch the video, then too bad haha cause i wont share it here haahah

Okay really have to go bye xD


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I love how she looks and who she is

When did my feelings get so deep
Why did they take that big long leap
Going from friend to crush
What a rush
And I don't think she knows

Since when did her smile make me go weak
Since when did her tears make mine start to leak
Why does this happen when I'm always so strong
When people called me Superman I guess they were wrong
And I don't think she knows

When she talks I cant help but watch her lips
To notice their shape and curves when they dip
Wait, why am I looking? I don't even know
And I cant help but wonder if she even knows

Her beautiful eyes are nothing like ours
They're so deep and bright you'd believe they were stars
They pour forth emotions in raging rivers
They could make even me believe that Santa always delivers
And still she has no idea

Her body is perfection though she denies it
It makes my head spin with every glance I give
She could put any man under her spell
But she doesn't know how I feel and I don't think I'll tell

I love how she looks and who she is
And how she makes me feel like this
I love how she's beautiful and smart with a heart so strong
And how she lives every day like nothing could go wrong
Still she hasn't got a clue

Now school is at an end on the 11th at noon
I wonder if she cares that I'm moving soon
We're parting that day after schools many months
I just wish I could have kissed her just once

Now that I've said it with my poetic skill
I don't think she knew, and now she never